
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Sorry about the title of my blog today, but that's just how I feel. My WBC is 0, platelet 27,000 and hemoglobin 7.9. I'm having diarrhea every hour, mouth sores are more painful plus I have a fever. All these bad things going on right now are actually good things, according to the doctor. This is exactly what he wants to happen, a little bit of GVHD (graft vs host disease). Basically, it means that the transplant is working. The Chemo drugs are killing my cells and making room for my donor's stem cells. No pain, no gain...

1 comment:

  1. So weird how this works. But hey, you're making progress hun. Hang in there. Next week when your counts get better, Danica and I will come visit you. We can sing our songs to her and make her laugh. I'll bring the camera so we can take pictures. Love you hun. See you tomorrow.
